Michelle Obama Picture in Google Image Results Creates Controversy

Search for Michelle Obama’s name via Google’s image search and you’ll likely find an image that has been characterized as a racist caricature of the first lady of the US in the top results.

The image is offensive to many and while some are demanding it be removed, Google (Google) is holding firm and yet still apologizing. The Washington Post has uncovered a formal apology from Google in the form of an ad displayed above the offensive image that directs visitors to a page explaining how Google’s search results algorithm works.

In short, while Google apologizes for upsetting searchers, it’s standing by the algorithm. The full text of the statement reads:
“Sometimes Google search results from the Internet can include disturbing content, even from innocuous queries. We assure you that the views expressed by such sites are not in any way endorsed by Google.Search engines are a reflection of the content and information that is available on the Internet. A site’s ranking in Google’s search results relies heavily on computer algorithms using thousands of factors to calculate a page’s relevance to a given query.

The beliefs and preferences of those who work at Google, as well as the opinions of the general public, do not determine or impact our search results. Individual citizens and public interest groups do periodically urge us to remove particular links or otherwise adjust search results. Although Google reserves the right to address such requests individually, Google views the integrity of our search results as an extremely important priority. Accordingly, we do not remove a page from our search results simply because its content is unpopular or because we receive complaints concerning it. We will, however, remove pages from our results if we believe the page (or its site) violates our Webmaster Guidelines, if we believe we are required to do so by law, or at the request of the webmaster who is responsible for the page.

We apologize if you’ve had an upsetting experience using Google. We hope you understand our position regarding offensive results.

    The Google Team

michelle obama google image search

As the statement implies, Google will pull a photo should the site hosting it serve malware, which was apparently the case with the image in question at one point, as it was temporarily removed from search results. In any event, it is now back in the top spot.

Despite the inappropriateness of the image, we understand why Google would stand by their algorithm rather than play the role of censor. But do you? Let us know where you side on the heated image controversy in the comments.

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