Hello Guys,Landing a freelance job is not that easy. First, you have to complete with all the other freelancers who are offering their services for a price which is way cheaper than yours. I, myself, already received a lot of rejection from employers because my rate is too high for them.I think the rate I offer for my services is very fair but because a lot of equally good freelancers offer lower rates, they have a better chance of getting the jobs. I thought of lowering my rate too but it is just not worth it so recently, I started choosing the employers and companies I apply to.At O desk, a company checks providers (freelancers) through the freelancers’ profile where they can see the credentials, job history, and how much the providers bid for the jobs they accepted. Providers, on the other hand, can also check the employers’ history whenever they view the job posting and this is what I started doing recently. I look at the employer’s history to see if the employer pays good or not. If I see that an employer only hires those who offer an hourly rate below 5$ then I don’t bother applying for the job.Bye.
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