kramer knives

Kramer Knives seem to be one of the hottest holiday items.  Kramer Knives were created by master bladesmith Bob Kramer.  What makes Kramer Knives a better choice than other similar knives?
Bob Kramer, creator of Kramer knives, has 10 years experience in professional kitchens.  He also has 15 years experience building custom knives.  Kramer Knives are designed to deliver top performance in your kitchen.
What do other people have to say about Kramer Knives?  I haven't tried them myself but desperately need a new set of kitchen knives.  I checked out a rave review about Kramer Knivesat 3 Luxe.  They feel these custom made steel knives are superior and worth the price of about $300 to $500 per set.
Have you tried Kramer Knives?  What do you think of them?  Are they worth the price and what makes them different from other kitchen knives?  To find out more about Kramer Knives, check out their website.
Meanwhile, let's get into the holiday spirit with "The Christmas Song" from Nat King Cole compliments of YouTube.

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