Picking out the perfect Valentine’s Day card is a sentimental gesture that winds up in a drawer sitting for years on end or else it goes to the landfill to decompose for years. There are several green options to choose from when choosing a card.
First, there are e-cards. These electronic greeting cards are available from a variety of websites. Some sites require a membership and some charge a fee and others are totally free.Telefora coupon is a free online greeting card site that has a variety of cards to choose from. Some people don’t like e-cards because they feel that they are impersonal and opt for other eco-friendly greeting cards.
The next option in green Valentine’s Day cards is choosing cards that are made from recyclable material. These cards will say that they are made from 100% recycled material and are available at most gift shops and retailers.
Finally, there are flower seed cards. These environmentally friendly cards have become more popular in the past few years. The cards are made from degradable materials with flower seeds embedded in them. After they are read they can be planted and will produce beautiful flowers or trees in the future. Flower seed offers a variety of cards and even the option to choose what flower the card will grow into. These cards are a two-in-one gift of love, a card that relays the message of love and a blooming flower that invokes memories of love later.
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